Killing and pin-torque

Ron Nossaman
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 22:18:46 -0600

>(oh yea, the technical part of this post,  the torque on the the 1/0 pins I 
>installed,on Chris Robinson's suggestion, in the new Steinway block in our D 
>have now, after 5 months have come down from an average of 135 ft/lbs. to 
>near 100. It feels great and tunes more easily than any other piano in my 
>clientele, which is good, since I see the piano at least two or three times a 
>week.  I drilled with a "C" bit in the bass and middle, then switched to a 
>"D" bit for the rest.  Speeding up the feed in the very top section gave me a 
>slightly softer torque( 90 ft/lbs). 
>  It is also reassuring to know that when I restring( to address the 
>inevitiable string breakage) I will only have to go to 2/0 pins! 

Hi Ed,
I've used 1/0 in a couple of grands in years past and liked them. Easy
tuners all. Both had plate bushings though. I haven't tried it without, and
haven't done it since for no particular reason I can identify. Ruts abound!

Ron N

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