Past PTG President Identity

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 19:42:42 EST

In a message dated 12/19/00 5:32:21 PM Central Standard Time, RptBob1@AOL.COM 

<< Willem:
 I don't recall that Bob Russell Sr. ever tuned for the Cleveland Orchestra.  
 I have been familiar with that great group since 1969 and it was Bill 
 Kelleher all that time.  Bob Sr. was a tuner in the Cleveland area and past 
 president of our local chapter, as I recall.  When I see Bob Jr., on the 6th 
 of January, I will ask him.
 Bob Bergantino
 Cleveland, Ohio >>

I don't recall Bob ever mentioning that he tuned for the Symphony, but he was 
the only tuner from Cleveland who was PTG president. But then you know how 
customer don't remember all the details of a person' life either. Maybe Bob 
mentioned the customer that had to do an emergency tuning at the hall once, 
and this customer thought he was the permanent tuner. 


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