Stringing the Steinway buttons

Tue, 19 Dec 2000 16:15:59 EST

Ron asks: 
<<Now, did you try just leaving
the button off altogether on one of those you drilled out?>>

No way,  I am much too obsessive/compulsive to do that!   
   The purpose, as I understand it, of these buttons is to even the sound 
along the length of the bridge while allowing the soundboard more freedom to 
move in that area of lower frequency's origin.  
     I know that Del Fandrich can discuss the impedance needs of the board in 
this area with more authority than most of the rest of us, but I have always 
figured that the most efficient stiffness for the soundboard is going to 
change along the length of the bridge, ie, the high end will profit most from 
resistance that would choke the bottom, ( sounds sorta like my marriage, at 

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