Moderate the list?

Jon Page
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 08:06:26 -0500

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Consider the time lag a moderator would induce. How many times have you 
read a post
in which someone desperately needed info and received multiple replies 
within a few
hours, not the next day...or two.

Can you imagine what a chore it would be to censor the list? The hours per day
dedicated to weeding out the 'undesirable' posts?  (x)hr/day X $$ / 
subscribers = sub. fee.
Administration of money owed and the membership would be another job for 
Who has that kind of time to take away from their piano business. I find 
the paperwork
for myself to be bothersome.

This list originated as a network for College and University Technicians 
Slowly, traffic increased as other technicians discovered its convenience 
and soon
the list became too busy for the CAUT, much the same circumstances as
happening now. So CAUT moved to their separate list leaving pianotech for the
international forum into which it has grown. Much obliged.

For those desiring the idle banter there is; there, the 
piano post does appear.  Then again, some find the MPTlist to be too social 
and not
enough technical. It's like sandwiches, you can only eat so much all beef, 
you need
to balance it off with baloney  ;-)    Pianotech is the beef : MPTlist is 
the baloney;
restaurant : deli;   lunch counter : hot dog stand.   I'll have mine with 
chili and cheese.

Don't let the baloney clog your archives, post appropriately.

Jon Page

At 05:28 PM 12/18/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Forgive my ignorance, but what would a moderator actually do?  I have
>perception that a moderator would read every post and forward to the
>list only
>those deemed of general interest.
>Potentially every one of us could get steamed about that, because
>something *we* thought was of general interest was kicked out by the
>*big boss.*  What form of government would that most resemble? Certainly
>not democracy.
>Maybe we are having growing pains.  How many people subscribe to the
>list now, compared with maybe two years ago?
>I favor moderating ourselves.  It would take some energy, but if you
>feel a post should not be on the list, just send a private message,
>probably only a single sentence, to the sender.  Maybe "Please send such
>messages privately" or "I feel this doesn't belong on the list."  I know
>if I got a half dozen responses like that toward something I wrote, I
>would soon consider what I send much more seriously.
>Clyde Hollinger
>Robin Blankenship wrote:
> > Perhaps a
> > moderator to keep things focused would be useful.

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