PianoDisc PDS128Plus question

Mon, 18 Dec 2000 19:32:51 EST

In a message dated 12/18/00 6:05:28 PM Central Standard Time, 
atonal@telusplanet.net writes:

<< So essentially, the rails should be installed with A0 as the initial 
 reference, regardless of the number of solenoids (88 is the norm)? >>


>>The kit came from another dealer, and had been removed from an 
existing installation.<<

Well, that explains the 81 solenoids. There will be problems putting this in 
another piano unless it is the same make and model due to the fact that the 
keys are grouped differently on different pianos (bass-mid-treble). Even if 
the make/model are the same, you will still have to re-space the solenoids on 
the rail. If it is a different piano, you may need to order new rails and 
remount the solenoids from scratch for this piano.

By the way, if this is the same make/model/key grouping, you would use the 
highest solenoid of the bass rail and the lowest of the treble rail to be 
your reference, and let the end solenoids fall where they may.

Dave Bunch

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