
Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 19:21:37 EST

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In a message dated 12/18/00 3:11:37 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

> Hi, 
> This morning I ran into a piano that is growing mildew. The action 
> backchecks and butts show the nasty stuff. I mentioned this to the customer 
> and she told me that her husband had 3 sinus operations and his doctor told 
> him they probably had mildew in the house. My question is:
> Is there something to remove this nasty stuff. Is there a chemical product 
> that could be sprayed or brushed on the piano parts to kill these mushrooms 
> and prevent them to grow back? Would heath destroy them? If yes what kind 
> of temperature are we talking about?
> Thanks for the help.
> Marcel

If the mildew has gotten into a piano action, there probably isn't much that 
can be done to remove it. Bleach will kill the mildew, but can you spray 
enough of it on the action parts, without damaging them, do kill the fungus? 

You might have to recommend another piano. 


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