PianoDisc PDS128Plus question

Rob Kiddell atonal@telusplanet.net
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 17:18:08 -0700

Hi Richard, 

First off, I'm in Canada, Edmonton, Alberta to be precise.

Second, this kit was removed from another installation and sent to 
me (wires crossed and parts strangely wrapped) for installation in 
said Kawai. Apparently this install was done that way on purpose, 
and the new client isn't fussy on the playback (or just ignorant of 
the number of solenoids).

The ConcertMaster installations I do use 80 solenoids, so lacking a 
few isn't unusual for me. I can probably stuff all 88 in the install, but 
I will need to order a short rail of 7 solenoids.

However, ordering more parts will mean that *I* have to pay for 
them, so I feel that they will get an 81 note install (they aren't 
paying for a new PianoDisc install, after all) will suffice. Before I cut 
the solenoid slots, however, I want to be sure that the system will 
be compatible with a Symphony module... although moving the 
board pins will allow me to effect the same result.

Good to hear from you, stay warm

Rob Kiddell RPT
Atonal Piano Service

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