PianoDisc PDS128Plus question

Rob Kiddell atonal@telusplanet.net
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 17:07:21 -0700


So essentially, the rails should be installed with A0 as the initial 
reference, regardless of the number of solenoids (88 is the norm)?

The kit came from another dealer, and had been removed from an 
existing installation. The guy who removed it doesn't remember 
which note it lined up with (the unit was removed a year ago and 
the piano sold). The driver boards are intact, I've bench tested the 
unit, an and there are three solenoid rails, total = 81 solenoids. 
Unless there is a short rail hiding out there, that it, thats all.

I haven't cut my slots yet, in anticipation of learning more about 
this admittedly questionable setup. The bench tests check out fine, 
with all tests that I can do. 

The way I install player systems is to remove the keybed from the 
piano and do my measuring and cutting outside of the instrument. I 
can also align the solenoids to the action, put on the legs and 
pedal lyre and adjust all parameters before re-installing the keybed 
in the piano. Fortunately, the Kawai keybed was not glued to the 
case, and easily removed. 

The other concern is that the client wants a Symphony module 
installed, and I want to make sure that the piano is playing the right 
pitch to the module. On the Baldwin setup, this is never an issue, 
but on this install, it would make some interesting harmonic effects 
if the piano is playing a semi-tone or two down  from the sound 

Just for the record, I am not a factory certified PianoDisc installer, 
but a ConcertMaster installer, and this is a *dealer special* install 
for a client. I have PianoDisc experience, and have done extensive 
troubleshooting on existing installs, but not installed one from 
scratch. It's a bit more compact than the QRS solenoid engine, but 
definitely noisier (mind you, the unit dates from 1995)

Thanks for the speedy reply, 

Rob Kiddell RPT
Atonal Piano Service

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