PianoDisc PDS128Plus question

Rob Kiddell atonal@telusplanet.net
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 13:22:44 -0700


I am installing a PianoDisc PDS128 Plus into a Kawai G2 piano. 
There are 81 solenoids rather than 88. Do I align the 1st solenoid to 
the A0 key, or do I leave the first 3 keys alone and start on C0?

I have installed several Baldwin Concertmaster systems (QRS 
Pianomation solenoid engine) and they are an 80 note system. The 
extreme 4 notes in the treble and bass are excluded in the install. 

Any advice would be appreciated.


Rob Kiddell RPT
Atonal Piano Service

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