Killing...Ron's Rant

Billbrpt@AOL.COM Billbrpt@AOL.COM
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 09:33:12 EST

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This is always the time of year when the "good old days" seemed so much 
better.  I prefer good, hard information and discussion too.  When I joined 3 
years ago or so, there was lots of discussion about whiskey, beer, dogs and 
Scottish kilts.  Some people complained if you got "too technical" or if you 
actually wrote some detailed information.  God forbid if you wrote about 
something few other people knew about or if you disagreed and proved your 
point contrary to one of the people who thought they knew everything already 
and "owned" the List.  I also used to see a lot of what I used the utmost 
restraint in calling "baloney".

The baloney bunch started their own baloney list.  I suggest that it is the 
place for it and that Pianotech remain as it is, a free and open forum for 
the discussion of piano technology.  Someone has asked me about tuning hammer 
styles and there is a nice article about that in the Journal this month.  Too 
bad I didn't have time to write anything about tuning hammers because I spent 
all the time I had writing this.

Bill Bremmer RPT
Madison, Wisconsin

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