no technical content WARNING - RANT

Richard Brekne
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 09:43:56 +0100

Ron Nossaman wrote:

a lot of very good is his want.

I would like to mention tho that the origionator of the root thread this time
around does have a point, and this point has been made before. Rons approach to
all this is one I myself have a lot of sense for.. a kind of postivism if you
will, at least thats how I understand his note.

On the other hand I think its fully in order to point out increases in "static
levels" when one feels they are in order.

I suggested in the other thread to remove the "reply to" function on the list..
this would force us to manually put in the lists address each time we write a
new note, or reply. A pain in the arse perhaps... but then that would probably
cause us to "sift" what we send and dont send to a greater degree then we do

Draconian suggestions then employing a moderator, or restriction of access to
PTG members I think are not the way to go, but perhaps there are other ways,
simple to implement that could help a bit.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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