Killing the List

pianolover 88
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 21:09:56 -0800


Gee, John, I really disagree with your assesment, but respect your opinion. 
Being a newbie tech, I have found nothing but helpful interaction and a 
wealth of friendly advisors! I look forward with much anticipation to 
reading the daily posts, and enjoy the occasional puns and other humorous 
rantings...We need laughter and good humor and I welcome it here. Every now 
and then the topics can tend to drift from the central theme, but the 
subject line usually lets me know what's up, and then I can decide to read 
or not to read. I have nothing but praise and give thanks for this 
forum...but maybe it's just that I'm new to the biz, but I hope i never 
outgrow my enthusiasm for this list.

Terry Peterson
Associate Member PTG
Los Angeles, CA

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