String Splice Time

Tom Driscoll
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 21:52:23 -0500

Ola, Get some wire and practice for a while< see journal article from
esteemed Yat Lam Hong> With correct round nose pliers the repair should take
5 minutes. Mr Hong suggests to go up one half wire size for the new segment.
As for customer relations, I  explain how much the new string will cost
without markup, and the need for followup tuning fees, vs. splicing @
minimal cost with less instability. With a high success rate ( excluding the
100 year old candidates) you will be providing the customer with a superior
option and as I mentioned in an earlier post I think they can be an example
of your craftsmanship . Tom Driscoll
----- Original Message -----
From: "Johan Ola Andersson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2000 9:16 AM
Subject: SV: String Splice Time

> Here's a nice site
> A problem
> What do you do when you spent a 1/2 hour tying and the string breaks for
the second time?
> Do you tie it again or order a new string?
> Who pays for the 1/2 hour of time already spent to no use, me or the
> Ola Andersson

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