Coffin Nails

Dan Hallett Jr.
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 16:32:35 -0500

FWIW, I quit 35 years ago and for 30 years I still had an oocasional urge,
but remembrance of before quitting kept me away.

What I found, and find, is that I cannot stand the smell of those things any
more. Still can't, 35 years later.

Ed's advice is the way I went.

Dan Hallett

Richard writes:
<<grin... after nearly 30 years of 20-25 fat ones each and every day... I
have finally mangaged to quit smoking. A Christmas gift to myself and my
wife. >>

    I don't know about you,  but I put down my unfiltered Camels ( legacy of
military times when there didn't seem to be any future), 12 years ago.  It
was the hardest thing I have ever done and I still want one, but it is worth
it. Keep the faith, and remember,  there is only one way to stay off the
cigarettes, and that is to realize that the only answer is NO!.
"No", you can't take a drag off of a friend's butt (!)
"No", you can't have "just one" at a party.
"No", you can't just smoke on weekends,
"No", you can't, you can't, you can't!
(at least, that is the only way I was able to stop)

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