String Splice Time

Ron Nossaman
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 13:01:55 -0600

> Under full tension just one squeeze will drop the pitch a half tone. You
> can't tell me
> that this does not shorten the 'stretch-in' time.

Exactly my point.

> Heck, I've even tied knots in the speaking length of bass strings without
> adverse
> tone reduction (18 years and still holding).  But only once have I gotten
> lucky to
> have a splice come out well at the bridge end of the speaking length.

Same, same. I've only had to splice one between the bridge and hitch and it
worked better than I would ever have anticipated. If it ever comes up again, I
suspect my success rate will immediately drop 50%. I wouldn't expect to guess
right twice in a row.

> Remember Santa's checking to see who's been knotty and nice...
> Jon Page

Sometimes you feel like a knot, sometimes you don't.

Ron N

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