hammer boring.

Clark caccola@net1plus.com
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 11:11:44 -0200


I have one of Brooks', and saw the Renner jig last May. There's no
comparison. Check the archives, I think there's a third tool that was
mentioned last year.

I just retired the Brooks thing, after giving up on clamping a
not-included x-y vise in place a while ago, rather to calculate and mark
moldings and use the held-upright-but-not-clamped jig simply to hold
them (with a couple rubber bands, too). I bought a cheap ($20) angle
vise with (sloppy but shimmable) dovetailed ways instead of the Wilton
style and which is better suited for my sort of freehanded method -
clamping, much sturdier and with a lower center of gravity.


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