String Splice Time

Clyde Hollinger
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 08:05:38 -0500


In the current Schaff catalog a custom single wound string is about double the cost of a
universal, not a big deal.  But the real additional cost is making and charging for a second
appointment to install a custom string.  All things considered the cost to the client is
about triple for a custom string, the way I have my labor schedule worked out.  On a good
piano it's worth it.

Clyde Hollinger
Lititz, PA, USA

Richard Brekne wrote:

> Hmmm.. cost... I am not sure what the price for custom made strings is in the states
> anymore. But here you can get good quality custom made for about $10 a string, or about
> $250 for a whole set. The downside that I like the least is the time it takes to order
> and replace. People dont seem to react much to the price of strings here.  I dont really
> like the looks of a splice either... but its a handy skill to have down.
> Would be curious to know what you all pay for them stateside.

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