Larger Tuning Pin Installation

Jon Page
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 09:37:25 -0500

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At 02:40 AM 12/17/2000 -0500, you wrote:
> > Can the pin be driven slightly deeper in to the block?
>The offending pins were driven in as much as possible.
> >If the pins are slightly loose, does the tuning hold reasonably? If so
>there is no need to change just to get a tighter feeling pin.
>The pins held, but I was concerned about the future. I guess I'm doing the
>borderline pins out of fear of a long lasting situation. I am reconditioning
>this grand to put it up for sale, so that's the concern. But you are right, I
>should only replace the ones that don't hold at all. I used CA on another old
>upright with excellent results, but I thought larger pins were a better fix.
>Guess not in every case considering the circumstances.
> >What size pins came out and what size pins were you putting back in?
>Number 1/0 (.276") came out and 2/0 (.286") are going in.
>Thanks for your advice!
>Larry Trischetta

Bass pins are your main concern, right? Repin the whole bass. A few hours spent
in your shop beats spending it in the field. 2/0 pins are .281, 3/0 are 
.286. That's why
it's tight. Marginally loose pins only need to have the next larger pin 
installed. I also use
a .30 caliber gun barrel brush in a drill to deglaze the hole after backing 
out the old pin.
Then I place a little powdered rosin on the pin for a smooth feel before 
driving it back in.

However, if strings start to break at the coil due to flexing the wire and 
the piano will not
fetch a higher price with new bass strings then there is another method. 
Invert the piano
and apply CA from the bottom of the block allowing it to work up (down) 
from the bottom.

Piano speculation is an endless pit. There is always something else to do 
to 'make it
perfect' but at what expense. Knowing what techniques to employ for any 
given quality
piano is what keeps the shirt on your back.


Jon Page,   piano technician
Harwich Port, Cape Cod, Mass.
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