String Splice Time

Newton Hunt
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 09:37:23 -0500

Hi Dale and Liz,

Thank you for the vote.  Now if I could just count them...

I have used universals but rarely and then never liked the

Some advice on universals, first match the core wire to the
original then match the wrap diameter as close as possible
to the original.  By matching the core first you are
controlling inh and by matching the wrap you are controlling
tension.  Tension can vary more than inh can.

I admire you Dale, I could never make coils that neat and
easily.  Doug Strong used to splice broken string so the
knot was between the bearing bars of the treble sections.  I
could never get that to work for me either.

Take care and happy holidays to you both.
		Newton Hunt
		Highland Park, NJ

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