hammer boring.

Jon Page jonpage@mediaone.net
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 09:09:48 -0500

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At 12:38 PM 12/17/2000 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi Jon... The back support is one of the main reasons I have been looking 
>for an alternative. I generally solve that problem by useing a post just 
>under the front of the hammer jig. A bit clumsy but it works. I might try 
>your suggestion of replacing the back support. You ever used the Renner then ?

No, Wally's jig suits the bill once the back support was replaced.

Jon Page

>Jon Page wrote:
>>I've been using Wally's hammer boring jig for a long time and see no reason
>>to get a different one.  The back support which came with it was not as 
>>as I would like and i changed it to a piece of 3/4' plywood. I  have a 
>>jpg if you
>>want to view it.   Wally's jig is 1/3 the price, $99.00, last I knew.
>>Worth every penny,
>Richard Brekne
>RPT, N.P.T.F.
>Bergen, Norway

Jon Page,   piano technician
Harwich Port, Cape Cod, Mass.
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