String Splice Time

Richard Brekne
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 14:47:05 +0100

Clyde Hollinger wrote:

> Richard,
> In the current Schaff catalog a custom single wound string is about double the cost of a
> universal, not a big deal.  But the real additional cost is making and charging for a second
> appointment to install a custom string.  All things considered the cost to the client is
> about triple for a custom string, the way I have my labor schedule worked out.  On a good
> piano it's worth it.

I can certainly understand this concern.  I do find tho that most people seem quite willing to
pay for replacement strings. You run into the occasional who thinks that "you broke it so you
fix it" but for the most part the biggest pain in the pattootey is the fact that you have to set
aside a bit of time to revisit a piano to install the string, and perhaps another visit to
repull it to pitch.

Considering that this doesnt happen to often, and that taking care of this as a "part of the
service" (keeping the costs as low as possible) is very good PR, I find it profitable in the
long run to change to a new custom string for the most part.  Perhaps the market and logistics
are very  different here from there as well.

> Regards,
> Clyde Hollinger
> Lititz, PA, USA

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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