String Splice Time

Newton Hunt
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 15:01:43 -0500

First get a copy of my "Technician's Guide" from the home
office for $5.00, that will answer the vast majority of your

Secondly, I never use universal strings.  I splice or get a
replacement string.

There is no way to tighten a splice to get the knot as small
as possible except in the piano.  I don't think I can pull
250 pounds.  What I do do is put my capstan wrench through
the loop and visgrips on the end of the wire and pull the
string up as hard as I can.  This will close the knot nicely
on smaller wire.

The "Guide" says .50 hours for a splice.
		Newton Hunt
		Highland Park, NJ

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