
jolly roger
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 11:52:38 -0600

> I know all this is true because Jaben told me it was and Roger would not 
>surround himself with persons who were less than truthful would he?  :-0
>Jim Bryant (FL) 

Poor Jayden!! May he rest in peace. But I'm just fine now. 
After the concert last night we had about 40 people in the house singing
untill 3am.
A wee libation, good food, and a lot of merry making, it's a great cure for
the Grinch syndrom.
Now Gina has to stop talking to Marie, two ladies saying," I told you so",
is not fair.
And Newton, the web area!!!  Ho, Ho, Ho, I don't feel so bad. This happened
quite a few years ago. But it taught me a valuable lesson. When ever I use
dag the jar sits in a tray.
Ah well, the temp is a nice -30, the sun is shining with a bright blue sky,
and the snow is deep crisp and even, and virgin white. The wind has
stopped. Santa is on the way. I hope he checks my wish list at Lee Valley
Tools and House of Tools.



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