Pitch Raise Fee Structure

pianolover 88 pianolover88@hotmail.com
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 10:12:20 -0800

>From: "Farrell" <mfarrel2@tampabay.rr.com>

>Hi List Again! How do you folks charge for pitch raising?>

I like to keep things as simple as possible...for me AND my customer(s). If 
a piano is, on average, more than 6-8 cents flat, I charge 1/2 my normal 
tuning fee--period. That means no matter how flat the piano is, in most 
cases the aforementioned applies. I usually never have to do more than one 
PR to get it into the "ballpark". I even did a pitch "lowering" recently and 
still charge the 1/2 tuning fee. It was more than 30 Cents SHARP! Of course 
I try ALWAYS to schedule a follow-up tuning in 1-3 months, explaining that 
the PR will leave the piano in somewhat of an unstable state, and should be 
tuned within that time frame to help insure stabiltiy. The vast majority of 
my customers (who's pianos need PR's) get the point. I also make it a habit 
to leave with them printed material explaining PR more specifially, and the 
need for more frequent tunings. i think they sincerely appreciate the extra 
time we take to help them to understand their instrument, and thus 
appreciate the neccesity to maintain it as well.

Terry Peterson
Associate Member PTG
Los Angeles, CA

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