
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 10:18:23 EST

Newton wrote;
<<"I think Roger gets the "Boob of the year" award for Dag on
the keybed.  I shudder at just the thought of the mess!
  Newton Hunt">>

Yeah, well Newton he didn't finish the story! :-)
After cleaning out the action cavity/keybed as well as he could he promptly 
forgot about having spilled the stuff...subconscious ego protection and all 
that....... Well it seems that the next time he put the action back in and 
sat down to do some of his usual fine regulating he pulled on the action as 
hard as he usually does BUT.... being now very lubricated thoroughly with DAG 
it literally jumped out of the cavity, upsetting his balance on his three 
legged stool and Roger, action and stool toppled over backward. As he fell 
his feet became trapped/wedged between the keybed and now fallen stool! Of 
course there he was, with his feet wedged, this action now sitting on his 
chest while he was laying across the floor unable to get up and unable to get 
the action off his chest without breaking a lot of the new parts he had just 
installed................We don't know how long Roger stayed like this but 
Jaben found him sometime later and Roger just refused to talk about it then 
or even to this day................His broken toes healed just fine, although 
in really cold weather they tend to ache a little..particuarly so when he 
spends a great deal of time outside doing some activity such as hanging 
Christmas lights........

 I know all this is true because Jaben told me it was and Roger would not 
surround himself with persons who were less than truthful would he?  :-0
Jim Bryant (FL) 

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