ETD's, calculators and the exam

Richard Brekne
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 11:28:35 +0100 wrote:

> Richard, List,
> Thanks for bringing up this notion, as I have tried to conceive over the
> years how it would be possible for someone to create such a device.
> Currently, I don't see how, *but if* someone ever actually invents such a
> thing that will tune pianos, that is portable, that I can afford to
> implement and still earn what I do, if not more for being one of the first
> in my area to use such a technological innovation, that produces the
> results I currently do, or moreso, and do it in less time than I currently
> do, bring it on!
> I'll still be responding to people who call me to tune their pianos, and
> I'll still be going to the bank because of it.  Some customers will
> continue to say as they do even today, "I remember when piano tuners used a
> tuning fork."  And I'll continue to say, "There are some that still do.

Fine... just dont call yourself a piano tuner in the process unless you can
tune the piano without it.

> Keith McGavern
> Registered Piano Technician
> Oklahoma Chapter 731
> Piano Technicians Guild

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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