The tuner controversy

Robert Moffatt
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 22:48:52 -0700

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Subject: Re: The tuner controversy

> In a message dated 12/15/00 8:15:28 PM Central Standard Time,=20
> writes:
>  The arguement centers around the idea  that a good tuning implicitly =
>  there was a knowledgeable, skilled technician preforming the work.
>  The only human skill and knowledge needed to execute that tuning is =
that of
>  setting the pins to the machines satisfaction.

True, aurally, or machine. (I prefer aural) In my experience, the only =
true test,
is after the "fat lady sings". Or, Rach 1,2,3,4...etc. After the said =
human has "set
the pins" in the first few bars, your skill will be determined by the =
performer, and
remembered by all involved.  Yet, there are variables.......the =
"tuner",could have=20
a horse shoe up his butt....or the pianist is sitting on his/her ears!

In my humble opinion.

Bob Moffatt
Calgary, Alberta
really ccccold

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