Iv'e got an idea

Don drose@dlcwest.com
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 20:34:07 -0600

Hi Martin,

Are you suggesting that you would like "examples" of an good equal
temperament where you would be able to hear the beat rates? And "examples"
of the various test intervals that are used along the way? It might make an
interesting project.

A long time ago there was a "tuning" tutor available for Mac computers. I
got lent a Mac but it was too slow, then about 7 years later I purchase a
Mac--but it was now too fast! LOL!

I really wish Mark Anderson would port the very elegant software he wrote
over to the windoze platform. From what I did see of it, it was a wonderful
learning tool. And yes he included historic temperaments as well!

James Coleman also sells video tapes that tutor tuning--however they are
probably in NTST format and not the European format.

At 04:14 PM 12/15/2000 +0200, you wrote:
>could anyone record and make a mp3 of a perfect equal temperation? 
>every key in the system and every test intervalls for 5 seconds..

Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.M.T., R.P.T.

Tuner for the Saskatchewan Centre of the Arts


3004 Grant Rd.
S4S 5G7
306-352-3620 or 1-888-29t-uner

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