Iv'e got an idea

Kevin E. Ramsey RPT ramsey@extremezone.com
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 18:30:09 -0800

If you are thinking of tuning every note of YOUR piano to the tones on this
MP3 recording, it wouldn't be right, because YOUR piano would probably have
different harmonics. A different "stretch" as it were. Even different
specimens of the same model number have different harmonics.
    If you are listening to beat rates, the beat rates for a well scaled
grand are going to be different than that for a well scaled vertical. If you
just want to listen to a good tuning on a good piano, that could work. But,
the better the piano, the better they fall in tune.
    Keep your fifths relatively pure, your fourths a bit busier, and your
thirds smoothly progressing, and it will all work out. The better, more well
scaled pianos almost "tune themselves".
----- Original Message -----
From: "martin store" <mstore@nic.fi>
To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 6:14 AM
Subject: Iv'e got an idea

> could anyone record and make a mp3 of a perfect equal temperation?
> every key in the system and every test intervalls for 5 seconds..
> wouldn´t that be helpful?
> then i would probably learn what goes wrong in the process

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