
Christopher D. Purdy
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 17:15:23 -0500

>Can anyone guess as to why someone would put a set of jiffy-leads on a
>perfectly miserable Acrosonic? They're on the keys, on the action side of
>the balance rail. The hammer springs are very strong, and the action
>seems to move freely. I didn't have my Pierce, and don't have the SN, so
>don't know when it was built, though I'm guessing 50's.
>The folks who have this thing paid a major premium for this thing about
>twelve years ago, so I have no idea of it's history. My only guess is
>that the action might have frozen up, years ago, and the leads forced
>thingies to work.  I'm lost, but curious.
>les bartlett


My guess is that the previous owner just wanted a heavier action.  I have
two customers like this.  (one has two sets of leads on a Steinway K.  He
is a Julliard graduate and swears by it)


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