SAT Mystery

Leslie W Bartlett
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 15:46:27 -0600

.  If you can tune by ear, 
> why
> >>would you even consider purchasing such a device???

I had an interesting experience this a.m.  Tuned a Kawai, and, when
finished, I asked the lady, "Did the previous tuner use an electronic
	"Why, yes he did."

I figured so, as C-8 was +1 cent, A0 was -6cents, and most of the rest of
the piano was within about three cents.  WHY this lady called me, I don't
know. I do know she's run through a bunch of tuners, the last one I know
charges $20+ more than I. 

My point with ETD is that there is consistency I've not seen except in an
Avery Todd, or Virgil Smith type of tuner, and even Avery has fallen
amongst those who have bitten the bullet for ETDs.   Since I'm a realtive
newbie, many of my tunings are following other tuners, and I consistenly
find that the top and the very bottom of the piano are WAY off, even if
the center is quite close.
les bartlett

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