maybee it is best.

Susan Kline
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 12:18:31 -0800

Hello, Martin

>the tuner i met today said that i can learn very well by my self, without 
>a teacher..

I suggest that you find the very best teacher you can, and that you also 
find as many good professional tuners as you can, and spend a lot of time 
with them. Consider that a self-taught tuner may feel that he has learned 
very well without a teacher only because he is unaware of how little he 
knows, and how much he is missing.

There is far more to tuning and working on pianos than just setting a 
temperament. I have followed work done by people who thought that if they 
just bought one of the electronic tuning machines, and used it to set the 
temperament, that was all they needed to go out and start making money as a 
piano tuner. The results were not pretty.

Get good professional training, and work hard to make the most of it. 
Investing in yourself is never money wasted.

Susan Kline 

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