The Final Result (more)
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 12:53:02 -0600

>...Now just in case anyone thinks any of this is inflammatory... Let me state
>emphatically that I have the greatest respect for Keith. I enjoy immensely
>these little sparing sessions we have. I say every single word with a healthy
>portion of humour in my heart, and feel confident in Keith as the fine person
>he must be that he is able to take all this in the spirit in which it is
>and offer in return his viewpoints in that same spirit.
>Richard Brekne

Dear Richard, List,

I appreciate this kind paragraph, Richard, and I have accepted you do have
your own method of madness in expressing yourself, but for the record, you
are truly in error to believe, by including this one paragraph at the end
of this post, that it somehow justifies or sits okay with me, and possibly
a few others, for some of what you have said.

If the following comments of what you have said would not be thought of as
possibly inflammatory, then maybe other words, by definition, would better
fit ... degrading, however spiritedly or humorously intended.

1) "... I was under the impression I was communicating with adults you see
and I
didnt think I needed to be as specific about every little thing as I would
be with
your average 7 year old... grin."

2) "...Lets get passed third grade philosophical thinking shall we ??"

3) " have this knack of taking things out of context..."

4) "...not some jack ass who has his boss breathing over his shoulder..."

5) " seem to have this idea that humans dont have to think, dont have to
even able to think, can be total mindless idiots..."

6) "...You have preformed poorly and displayed only a desire to find
whatever hole in argumentation you can, and at whatever price.  A
particularilly sophist approach, which has severed no educational purpose

Richard, I *am* interested in pursuing the fundamental concept: At what
point in time is one able to declare him/herself a piano tuner who has not
submitted to the domain of Piano Technicians Guild's testing standards, yet
is actively tuning pianos and leaving them in a tuned state with whatever
method of operation they use.

Thus far, you and I have not arrived at an agreement, or even remotely
close by my current understanding, and no one else as yet bothered to
participate in offering their take.  Maybe it's not a subject of much
significance afterall.

Thank you for taking the time,

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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