What is and what is not a piano tuner (was Re: The Final Result)

David Love davidlovepianos@hotmail.com
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 04:49:42 -0000

Only the best tunas get to be piano tunas.

>From: kam544@flash.net
>Reply-To: pianotech@ptg.org
>To: pianotech@ptg.org
>Subject: What is and what is not a piano tuner (was Re: The Final Result)
>Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 21:26:50 -0600
> >...lets start a new post regarding the...definition of a piano tuner...
> >Are you prepared to offer evidence in favour of a
> >definition for "piano tuner" that limits itself to
> >simply being able to turn and set the pins
> >to a machines specifications ???...
> >Richard Brekne...
>Richard, List,
>In rising to the call of your proposal ...
>As there are numerous individuals throughout the world who do succeed in
>accomplishing reasonable, stable piano tunings on a daily basis, that do
>receive compensation for such activity, that are not members of, or
>affiliated with the Piano Technicians Guild (PTG), that do use various
>approaches to accomplishing these tunings, whether it be aural only, aural
>with electronic assistance, electronic with aural assistance, electronic
>only; what, then, are these persons to call themselves, if not a piano
>Is it how many are done per day, week, month, year?
>Is it how much one receives in payment?
>Is it how satisfied the customer is?
>Is it ................ ?
>At what point in time does one have the credibility to be called a piano 
>Is there a line that exists somewhere between someone being able to tune a
>piano, and being a piano tuner, that I am not aware of, other than to be
>able to do it, and declare it so?
>Sincere questions enreating cerebral answers,
>Keith McGavern
>Registered Piano Technician
>Oklahoma Chapter 731
>Piano Technicians Guild

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