The Final Result (more)
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 20:10:32 -0600

Richard, List,

>Must dissagree emphatically.  The ability to turn and
>set a tuning pin is only a small part of what a piano
>technician needs to know...
>Richard Brekne...


Here's something from another post of your submitted earlier today which
supports the word usuage I have been presenting to you.  You use piano
technician as your reference, not piano tuner, which is only what I
suggested from the get-go.  Ironic, huh.

>  Any person who can not tune
>a piano useing aural skills alone is not a piano tuner in my book...

And here you qualify your concept of a what a piano tuner *is not* by using
the phrase, "in my book".  I can accept that viewpoint, Richard, without
reservation, keeping in mind that's only one book out of many that exist in
life, not even considering all the chapters therein.

It's been educational.

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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