John 3:16 and Donald Duck on the Pianotech list.

Conrad Hoffsommer
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 19:35:23 -0600

At 19:00 12/14/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>I don't have my "Roget's Quotes" handy, but someone once opined "It's not 
>polite in mixed company to discuss sex, politics, or religion."
>And sometimes (not always) that's very true, even on this list.

I don't know about Roget, but here is Bartlett...


Conrad Hoffsommer -
*They call television a medium. That's because it is neither rare nor well 
*98% of the population is asleep. The other 2% are staring around in 
complete amazement, abject terror, or both.

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