Pin Torque minimum standard?
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 18:24:09 -0600

Newton Hunt wrote:
>>...If it won't stay it is too loose.
>...the client is
>entitled to know that this may be cause for concern...
>Stan Kroeker

Stan, List,

I couldn't help notice your response and example to Newton's post on this

I see no differences in your example of engine smoke and his statements on
pin torque in view of minumum standards, that is, emission standards versus
torque reading standards, whether using a tool to measure, or the senses to

His comments did not imply *to not* advise the customer of the marginal
tuning situation, even though it currently holds, anymore than your example
implied to not advise the customer of the blue smoke coming from the engine
even though it currently runs.

The discredit and import of this issue, as you aptly stated, Stan, would be
to *not inform* the owner of such marginal performance, and the potential
reality of other measures needed to correct such things.


Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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