maybee it is best.

martin store
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 22:20:39 +0200


today i vent to watch when a proffessional self thaught tuner tuned 2 pianos.
he showed me an other way of setting the temperament. i also got some papers describing how to tune a piano.

after this i think ill stick to the temperament i have allready trained, cause the other temperament setting system wasnīt that good after all. 

what do you think?  the person who thaught me this temperament that im trying to learn was practising a half year and then he could set a good temperament. 
i was just wondering whichever temperament i choose to use it will take at least half a year to learn to do it properly. 

maybee i havenīt realized that itīs hard to learn to set a temperament??? 

the tuner i met today said that i can learn very well by my self, without a teacher..

is there anyone that learnt the temperation very fastly? like in a month or so? could you tell me..?

what could i do wrong in the temperament? 

what could a teacher help me with when practising?

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