John 3:16 and Donald Duck on the Pianotech list.

Lance Lafargue
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 13:54:50 -0600

It's interesting that "religious influence" is so offensive, but profanity
or the wide array of other influences (and it is often very wide here) that
enter onto this list through the natural course of conversations are "OK"
and should be tolerated by "techs".  In fighting for their "freedom", some
would take away the freedom of others.  This list is not, nor has it EVER
been piano tech related 100% of the time because we are human beings.  If it
were all tech, the posts would be cut probably in half.  We wouldn't be
talking about (from recent posts) dogs, children's books, politics, or our
families. Relationships are formed here, too.  For an "all tech, all the
time" info site, visit the archives and search your topic.  Just be aware,
some idiot may throw in something unrelated in the posts.  Tolerance and
consideration should be exercised on all sides.

Lance Lafargue, RPT
Mandeville, LA
New Orleans Chapter, PTG

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