Home Alone

Stephen Powell pianotec@ihug.co.nz
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 08:22:13 +1300

Jim Bryant wrote:

"Moral of the story 'don't' answer the phone!!"

I was once tuning for a music teacher who had to leave the house for a
while.  Not long after, the phone rang, and as per my usual policy, I let it
ring...and ring and ring and ring.  The caller was so persistent - they just
kept calling back and letting it ring!  Finally, I couldn't stand it any
longer and wondered if it was the music teacher trying to get hold of me for
some reason (I do have a cell phone, though).  I answered the phone, said
the owner was out, and offered to take a message.  Turned out that the
caller was wanting to know which piano tuner the teacher recommended!  That
was easy: I booked the new client right then and there, and then went back
to tuning!!!

Stephen Powell, RPT
Auckland, NZ

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