Hallet, Davis & Co. Maker?

Robin Blankenship itune@firstsaga.com
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 12:31:16 -0500

I'd be interested in hearing your take on the "technical advantages" of the
Yamaha. I worked for a dealer for a couple of years that sold both. My
impression: the Boston tone, though somewhat erratic, was generally richer
than Yamaha. The Yamaha action was "better", more settled and solid.

Robin Blankenship

. The Steinway
> mystique often times clouds the reality that the Yamaha grands have some
> technical advantages over a similar size Bosotn.
> Glenn Grafton
> Grafton Piano & Organ Co.
> Souderton PA
> http://www.graftonpiano.com/
> glenn@graftonpiano.com
> 800-272-5980

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