Home Alone

Clyde Hollinger cedel@supernet.com
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 07:19:25 -0500


Sooner or later something exciting *will* happen to you, I'm almost sure of
it.  You've got an active imagination here...  <G>

I just want to say that one time when I accidentally set off the burglar alarm
I was surprised that my first thought was to get in the car and hightail it out
of there.  Fortunately common sense prevailed when I realized I had done no
wrong, so I waited until the police arrived, and there was no problem.  Maybe
someone on this list will find this tidbit useful sometime.

Regards, Clyde

"David Ilvedson, RPT" wrote:

> I wish something exciting like that would happen to me...I'd bolt for the
> 2nd floor, toss my tools to the ground and shinny down the drain-pipe to
> make my escape.  A quick squirt of CA to the police car doors and I'm on my
> way...

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