Home Alone

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Wed, 13 Dec 2000 11:17:46 EST

In a message dated 12/12/00 6:16:12 PM Central Standard Time, 
mfarrel2@tampabay.rr.com writes:

<< Sometimes when tuning in a private home, the owner says - "Gee, I gotta go
 out and ......  Do you mind locking the door on your way out?" Or sometimes
 a long-time client says that they can't be home, but they will leave the key
 under the door. "Just let yourself in dear, the check will be on the piano".
 But how about the guy that calls you - you've never heard of, met, seen this
 guy in your life - tells you he wants the piano tuned as a present for his
 wife, he can't be home, but the key is in the barbie on the back porch
 (check will be left with key).
 Has anyone ever had a bad experience with any of these scenarios? The last
 one I did today - first time. I did not feel entirely comfortable with the
 circumstances. Seemed OK though in the end.
 Terry Farrell
 Piano Tuning & Service >>

Sometime back I wrote an article about trust. In part, I said that we as a 
profession have put ourselves in a position of trust. For the most part, 
piano tuners are being looked on as a trusting profession. Not to degrade any 
one profession, but there are some where I would not feel comfortable to let 
that person in my house while I wasn't home. 

I think we should be proud of ourselves, (collectively), that we have 
instilled this trust in the public. However, it won't take too many "bad 
apples" to spoil it for the rest of us. So if the situation does arise where 
you are allowed in the house by yourself, be sure to do all you can to 
maintain that trust. 


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