A terrible piano

J Patrick Draine draine@mediaone.net
Wed, 13 Dec 2000 05:20:52 -0500

>I tuned a relatively new piano today.  It was called a "Pearl River".  Does
>anyone know who makes this dog?

Pearl River Piano Company! Although they've only recently started 
importing into the US, they've been around for quite awhile. I think 
they're the largest piano manufacturer in China, but I would defer to 
Liu Baoli or Tony Caught on that, as I'm sure they would know.
"Pearl River" is a direct translation of the name of one of China's 
major rivers (Zhu Jiang); the corporate name of the manufacturer is 
Guangzhou Piano Ltd. (Guangzhou being the name of the southern 
province with the booming economy, the major city Guangdong ((aka 
Canton)), etc. ).

Pearl River is one of the sources of "stencil pianos" which have been 
discussed on the list recently.

I suggest you contact Pearl River America and give them some feedback 
(address, phone # etc. are in recent PTJournal advertisements).

Patrick Draine

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