spray painted strings

Diane Hofstetter dianepianotuner@hotmail.com
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 23:46:57 -0900

the only other thing I can figure is that they loosened the
>strings, pried them out of the tuning pins, removed the old pins, and
>left the strings all sitting there while they re-sprayed the plate, then
>re-pinned the pinblock and hooked up the original strings again.  (what
>a hassle). -- Dave N.


It's hard to imagine that someone would go to all that work for the sake of 
making the plate look better!  I think these gold painted plates were quick 
touch up jobs to resale a piano and make it look to the uninitiated eye like 
"new".  Someone doing that kind of a job isn't likely to go to the work of 
repinning.  Besides, most of the ones I've seen have gold paint somewhere on 
the strings too.


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