An Aural Adventure solved?

Phil Bondi
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 19:22:58 -0500

Recently, I posted a note here telling of my inability to have A4 come up at
440 after tuning a piano..I explained my aural tuning sequence..i'll spare
you all of that and NOT repeat it again!

I had a few private responses..but here is what I have found out since that

When finding out where A4 is when I start, I am now doubling that amout,
offsetting the machine(SAT), tune A4 to the offset, and aural tune from


When I finish, A4 in on the $$$.

In other words, if A4 is at -4.8 when I first measure it, I am adding 4.8 to
bring the number to -9.6...then offsetting..then set A4 from there.

I did this procedure today with a Yamaha C7..and I have had the same result
with some lesser grades of pianos over the last 2 weeks.

I am not convinced that this much offset is really the way to go for an
aural tuner setting A4 from the SAT, but my results have been great since I
started doubling the amount.

I would like to hear from the strictly aural tuners on how they get A4 to
end up at 440. I would think that you would have to set A4 somewhat sharp in
order for it to end up at 440.

I am

Curious Roo(k)

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