Unisons - how clean?

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 17:35:22 +0100

"Woodrow, John (Parramatta)" wrote:

> Do you consider anything less than perfect unisons unacceptable, or do you
> consider that while perfection is the goal, the situation, cost and time
> dictates that something less than concert level perfection is acceptable
> from a customer perspective.  If less than perfect is acceptable, how would
> you define that standard?
> Regards,
> John Woodrow ICPTG

First of all I would argue that the "perfect unison" is basically unobtainable.
There is always going to be something, no matter how seemingly insignificant,
that disturbs that perfect crisp ideal. That being said your goal should be to
achieve as clean a unison as possible. You dont have a lot of margin for error
before they get to sounding pretty bad so this is the last place I would fudge
if I was pressed for time. In almost every tuning situation I would place the
greatest importance on unisions, followed by octaves and then the temperament.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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