What's wrong with this picture

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@martin.luther.edu
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 10:21:18 -0600

At 17:03 12/12/2000 +0200, you wrote:
>Steinways have such amazing features when on film. In the movie The Story of
>1900 the pianist played so fast, that the strings heated up so that he could
>light a cigarette from them.
>Brian Lawson, RPT
>Johannesburg, South Africa

Thanks, Brian,
I'll have to remember that when a student complains about a cold practice 

Conrad Hoffsommer - mailto:hoffsoco@luther.edu
*They call television a medium. That's because it is neither rare nor well 
*98% of the population is asleep. The other 2% are staring around in 
complete amazement, abject terror, or both.

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