Microphones for Grands

Dan Hallett Jr. dhalle@toolcity.net
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 09:51:30 -0500

Contact Sweetwater Sound www.sweetwater.com

These people have the expertise and the contacts to advise you.

Dan Hallett, RPT

Re: Microphones for Grand

Condensor mics work well .  Two if possible.  You will have to experiment
and listen to the sound.  Quick answer is pointing in towards the dampers
over the bass and hi tenor.

David I.
> List:
> I've been asked to recommend the best placement of microphones in a
> 6' Emerson grand. The piano will be used in a church.
> It would be appreciated if anyone could suggest how it can be done and
> what type of microphones would be recommend. Thanks in advance.
> Arthur

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