Unisons - how clean?

Woodrow, John (Parramatta) John.Woodrow@pil.com.au
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 19:01:51 +1100

Situation: A home tuning, on an average quality upright, aiming to be
completed in 1 hour.  Piano tuned every 12 months.

We probably mostly agree that the goal should be to tune razor sharp perfect
unisons.  I say mostly because I have seen it mentioned here than some
believe that unisons should not be razor sharp but have some 'depth'.
Anyhow, leaving that debate to one side, for the home tuning situation
described, I am interested in what others consider to be a definition of
acceptable unisons.  

Do you consider anything less than perfect unisons unacceptable, or do you
consider that while perfection is the goal, the situation, cost and time
dictates that something less than concert level perfection is acceptable
from a customer perspective.  If less than perfect is acceptable, how would
you define that standard?

This is not a customer problem, just evaluating my own standards.
Appreciate opinions.

John Woodrow ICPTG

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